Fisher's 475

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Whole Truth about the Iraq war

New movie about the Iraq war. Talking about the WMD's in Iraq. More to the point that there are not any there. Focusing on the President explaining what he plans on doing about it. How the news media for the current President focused the idea of WMD's and creating reasoning to go to war with Iraq. Sept. 11th 2001 became the day that President Bush decided to go to war with Iraq. Now it becomes justification to go to war and not focusing on other aspects of what would happen with going to war. The President and staff are focused on going to war regardless of the evidence at hand. Even to the point of creating subterfuge about WMD's and other speculation. So, now we have the preemptive war aspect. A new concept for America for going to war. The President used his staff and himself pushing the idea of the smoking gun being the mushroom cloud. This sort of tactic with the use of the media becomes a push button effect to create the panic effect on the populace to generate support for his agenda.
It is interesting how the people being interviewed are not Saddam Hussein bashing but are saying that he isn't the crazy person that President Bush makes him out to be. They do still feel that he is a very bad dictator and has issues as well but not on the scale of being a direct threat to the USA. Another aspect of how the President and his staff have used the news media and other outlets to push their viewpoints to move the populace in favor of going to war with Iraq.

The use of the satellite imagery to promote the idea of WMD's and setting up Colin Powell is very interesting. Using him with his very strong presence and reputation to promote the idea of WMD's and chemical weapons.

"Over time the truth will come out" is a very prophetic statement by the President. The truth is coming out about what has been done by his administration and the deceptive nature of his administration.

The Yellow Cake documents proposes a very interesting idea. Where did they come from and who created them. Is this something that was created by the Vice Presidents office? And then are they looking for scapgoats about it to divert attention to the documents? Interesting how anyone that isn't with the "Program" seem to become members of the other side.

Looking forward to seeing the rest of this movie.


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