Television Violence - George Gerbner, pg 339-348
Recap: Violence in TV has been around for years. That is the problem for starters. The other issue is that violence is shown by the media heavily when compared with other aspects of news reporting agencies. Violence is a staple of television and is hard for media giants to move away from such a profit-generating source. It also leads to a greater separation of races by making the whites out as victims and the other races, specifically Blacks’ and Latinos’, as the victimizers. This distortion generates a lot of negative backlash against them. With many children watching record hours of television, it will lead to a youth that has become toughened to violence and will continue to tolerate it and possibly create more. This situation should be corrected and we should work towards a solution to stem graphical violence for children.
Comment: The violence in television has become common place and to be expected. Today if we don’t see violence in a show it is thought to be something less of a show. Our society has become so primed for violence it is all we expect to see in the news and in other areas. It is funny to see how people react to a news story that is about something nice that has occurred or occurring. They are almost ignored by most since it isn’t a strong visual image. Possibly coming across as goody too shoes’ish. I just hope as our new generation of kids come along we take care in teaching them all the right things and not all the violence that is happening in the world today.
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