Fisher's 475

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Once in a Lifetime - Jackie Byers and Eileen R. Meechan, pg 613-624

Recap: For what has been a long time television has targeted women with advertising. Now we have Lifetime cable network specifically targeting women. As with the daytime soap operas, attention to the “Ladies of the House” as they were called early on, have been an advertisers target market. They have figured out that women tend to have a lot of buying power in the household. The Lifetime cable channel subscribes to the working woman’s interests and also makes for male-friendly women’s television.

Comment: I have never really watched the Lifetime channel since the shows have never really sparked any interest for me. However, it is nice to see that women can have a channel that programs for them. I believe with their success we have other channels like the Oxygen channel coming to the forefront. Not that it doesn’t help to have Oprah Winfrey support the channel too.


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