The Corporation
Commnet: For a few bad apples there seems to be a lot of reference to bad apples. Makes one wonder just how many there are that we don't know about. Hmm, the american way, use the image of the bald eagle to the advantage of the corporation.
Interesting look at the how it has evolved to a reference to something per man hour. If you think about it, that is all business is about for the most part.
The corporation as a pesron. Makes for a an interesting development of our history. Definitly sounds like some issues need to be changed.
The all mighty buck makes the world go around. Something that seems to be driven home through marketing and anything else that can be used by the various corporations.
Using factories in poor thrid world countries is definitly a double edge sword. Yes, we have paind them for cheap labor but they now have jobs. Granted they should be paid more and in better conditions.
Moving into the chemical production area. The issues are greater but with the situation of the corporation it will only be prolonged for many years. Nice focus on Mansantos. Now if only something can be done about it.
Accountablitity, doesn't seem that there is enough to actually cause a corporation tohave concern. They seem to just include the cost of paying fines into the budget plan and it just motivates them to make even more money to compensate for it.
It will be interesting to see the end of the movie next week.
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