Fisher's 475

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Where Do You Want To Go Today?"

Recap: Of this section in Dines and Humez collection of articles happens to be by Lisa Nakamura. Her article is about the advertisement of the Internet from the likes of AT+T, MCI, Compaq, IBM and Origin. With these advertisements making out the Internet to be a vast place where everyone will get along with a “one mind” type of appeal. Nakamura focuses on how the Internet really does not provide a perfect vista for one to visit and get away from things.

Comment: With the hind sight we have looking back at the advertisements from the early 90’s through the mid 90’s we can see a huge difference in how the Internet is portrayed today. Yes, it is a place where you can get away from things but not quite how it was envisioned as it is now. Is the Internet a utopia? I do not think so. The ways media giants use the internet now really make it more of a huge advertisement itself. Yes, there are sites that are not conforming to the regular use of the internet. For example, this blog site, but on a whole there is more advertisement going to the users of the internet than ever before. The Internet is sea of knowledge but one has to be able to look at it from a different perspective to really find what it is you are looking for. The biggest mistake people make is they think that they Google search for something and get exactly what they want. Well, you will get what you asked for but not with out dealing with advertisements and even then you might actually get a site that has paid for placement in Google’s service. Nowadays people have to really think about what it is they are looking for and take a long hard look to see if it is really what they are actually looking for and not something that was suggested by a media giant.


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