Fisher's 475

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The New Media Giants, CH. 2

I thought it was interesting to see how the media giants have adjusted to the changes in how they go about business. From a concern of they are getting to big and powerful to shrinking back and being subdivided and then back again to the great and mighty media giant. The path is definitely not a straight track but almost seems planned. That is, when you look back at what has happened it almost seems to be that deep in some dark corner the owners knew what was going to happen. At least in some instances maybe.
Anyway, as the media giants continue to grow and absorb other companies to create the huge conglomerate that everyone fears everyone else seems to not really mind now. At least not in the same way they did back in the 60's and 70's.
With the advent of the Internet, the media companies are able to expand their coverage and subtly encompass everything that is viewed online. With the money behind the media giants they can garnish most of the power and direct people to see what they want them to see.
It was nice to see some solid numbers on what has taken place over the last 20 years. It really shows just how big these companies are getting. It should be interesting to see what happens in the next decade.


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